Thursday, March 12, 2009

More than Just A Coinkydink

there WERE sooo many coincidences this week like WOW. 5 million and 2 people told me that I either looked like someone else or they saw someone they THOUGHT was me and it was some one else. it happened like 7 times (no lie!)

Here are a few...

Setting: Brunch, talking to friends.....
Person walks up and says: "Oh I thought you were Carla."
Me: ...
Her: look like her

Setting: Brunch 5 minutes later....
X-tina says:"Jackie!I walked up to this girl and was HIIII really loudly and excitedly and then they turned around and it wasn't you..."
Me: oh...=(

Setting: Lship
I sit down and then someone else in my commision says "oh on friday we didn't realize you were absent because we thought you were her *points*. you kinda look similar.
Me: ...right

Setting: Journo
Anthony: did you eat out on sunday night
Me: nope i was at deca
A: oh cuz i thought i saw you eating
Me: >.<

Setting: After School
Lady: you must have a brother
Me: no i really dont
Lady: but he looks Just like you .
Me: but i dont have a brother...
Lady: Well its funny cuz you look just like him but you act completely obvious
Me: okay i have to get to class