Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wow this week is one for the books (and its not even over yet)

On Tuesday, we had a Leadership Development Day(in L-ship.) Although we have done many other bonding/ skill building activities, none have ever made me feel so close to those around me. I had already done the crossing the line activity twice before. However, none have ever been so impact-ful. The first time I ever did this activity was the day of CASHEE testing when I was a freshman. The activity was unsuccessful as a whole because I felt that it was not a secure environment and my peers did not necessarily admit to things that had happened to them. The second time I did this activity was a Challenge Day. This was a really memorable experience learning about other peoples experiences versus your own. However, there were still many people that I did not know and although i felt bad for them, I was not necessarily close to them. But on Tuesday the scenario was much different: I knew every person in the room. I felt that that was what made it the most unique and moving. There is the preconceived notion that lship kids are perfect, never have problems, straight A's, well off etc. Learning about what happens to my extended family and the problems we face really hit me hard. The circled discussion afterward really caused me to do some self reflection and realize how lucky I am. ILY you all and I feel so blessed to know each and every one of you!!! If you ever need to talk, I'm here.


The First Post

Hello, Hello ,Hello, my children. So, I have decided to make a blog (suprise!) to share my Rants, Raves, Reflections, Revolutions, and Retributions with you! yaya

